
Corporations/ Associations/ Others | Kerala - India | PID: 187842
In order to improve Kochi Metro’s last mile connectivity and encourage cycling, Kochi Metro Rail Limited has provided bicycle stands with parking and locking mechanism at its stations

Initially, there will be 22 such locations at various stations. Metro commuters can park their bicycles free of cost at the designated locations. Six cycles can be parked at a time

A free cycle service facilitated by KMRL at limited locations had gained popularity. The cycle stands have been set up based on that experience. There had been a slight increase in the numbers of people turning to cycles for commute, said an official. With a separate parking lot where the cycles can be parked safely, more people could be encouraged to utilise the facility

It was also in preparation for a vision of Kochi Metro and Cochin Smart Mission Limited that envisaged scaling up of the use of cycles for not just last mile connectivity but also as a tourism project for the city, said a metro official

A thousand cycles were likely to be made available for public use, said the official. The paid service would run on a mobile application, added the official. Tourists could use the facility for visiting Fort Kochi and nearby areas. Building designated cycle tracks in the city would be part of the project

| Updated on: 19 - Apr - 2019
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